Teaching Team
Why I practice Baptiste yoga
I practice Baptiste Yoga for the emphasis on breath and powerful movement, as well as the emphasis on personal inquiry on and off my mat. This simple sequence has allowed me to step out of my head and into my body, encouraging full awareness.
Why I teach Baptiste yoga
Being a teacher has allowed me to learn what it really means to live authentically. Teaching allows me to give back to this community that has impacted my life and open doors for more exploration within myself & others. This practice has made me feel that I am wonderful as I am. By using what I have learned, I hope to impact others and allow them the space to explore who they are and who they want to be.
My promise to you
My promise to you is that I will share all of myself. I will encourage you to take what you learn on your mat and use it in other areas of your life. I will invite you to inquire about how you show up. I will encourage your mind to be as present as your body. My promise to you is that I will show up as I am, whatever that means that day. I will not fake it. I also promise to listen to your bodies and minds throughout your practice.
200-Hour Baptiste Yoga Teacher Training, Art of Assisting
"The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing" - unknown