Teaching Team
Why I practice Baptiste Yoga
I practice Baptiste Yoga because it makes me feel good. When I first began coming to the studio, the practice was a way to loosen tight muscles and strengthen ignored parts of my body. As my practice gained consistency, I realized that the real power of this practice is beyond the physicality.
The power of this practice is in resetting my mind, body and soul during that 60 minutes on the mat. The power is in being alone with my thoughts, recognizing how my mind fills the silent moments in the room, confronting what comes up for me when things get hard…and recognizing how those things translate into life beyond the yoga studio. I continue to practice Baptiste Yoga to stay in touch with the internal dialogue and internal dance…and because it still makes me feel good.
Why I teach Baptiste Yoga
I teach because Baptiste Yoga because it’s a practice I believe in. I know the benefits I have experienced in my body and my life. I want to share this with others. Yoga has been a path to explore new possibilities for me. I teach to enable others to explore what’s possible for them.
My promise to you
My promise is to hold space for growth, exploration and restoration. I commit to create an environment of connection and fun where together we push beyond preconceived limits and pursue transformation.
Training: Expand Your Power 200-hour Teacher Training, Level 1 with the Baptiste Institute
“We do not think ourselves into new ways of living, we live ourselves into new ways of thinking.” – Richard Rohr