Teaching Team
Why I practice Baptiste yoga
I can say without a hesitation that Baptiste power yoga changed my life in so many good ways. When I first stumbled into a Baptiste class I had gone through a surgery on my lower back and I wanted a quick fix so I could get back to my Crossfit practice!!! But, little did I know where that journey was going to take me - I got hooked on Baptiste yoga for life :) The physical practice healed my injured body very quickly but there was something more to the practice that got me absolutely hooked. When I practice, I sense a peace of mind and my breath and my movement become one. And while I get challenged throughout the practice, I always feel like I can conquer the world after a good Baptiste class. Baptiste yoga is simply my fix.
Why I teach Baptiste yoga
This practice has had such a deep impact on my life that I want nothing more than to share that with as many people as I can. When I teach, I feel like anything is possible and together we can make amazing things happen. I have had the experience of teaching both in Iceland and California, places that are 4000 miles apart and this practice does not ask of gender, race, where you are from or how strong, bendy or flexible you are - it speaks the language of we are all human and we are all connected.
My promise to you
Is that after a class with me you will feel alive and ready to take on whatever life has to offer. We will explore our power, test our limits and most importantly you will get all the space to create
something new both in your practice and in life. My belief is that life is serious enough out there so you don't have to take yourself seriously on your mat too; be playful every time you
practice and allow yourself to be a little bit messy in your journey. Coming from Iceland, the land of "Fire and Ice" You can be sure that I will bring in some Tapas for the practice and, who knows, maybe even make frog leaps feel GREAT :)
500 RYT certified yoga teacher, 300 RYT Chromatic teacher training, 200 RYT teacher training - Iceland Power Yoga, Level 1 with Baptiste Institute, Art of Assisting.
"When you change your focus from limitations to boundless possibilities, from doubt and fear to love and confidence, you open your world in entirely new ways. You stop worrying about fixing what's wrong with you and start living from all that's right within you.”
- Baron Baptiste